he is very good in studies ,but now a days he speaks a lot.
• I presume that your son is the only child. Hence, he doesn’t need to share his toys with any other kid.
• The habit of sharing toys at home hasn’t developed in him.
• He feels insecure, which is the reason he cries if a visitor kid plays with his toys.
That’s absolutely normal, humans are possessive in nature.
How to improve his behavior:
• Behavioral change might not be possible overnight.
• Try playing a game with him. You be the visitor child. Explain to him that the visitor will play for some time and will not take his toys home, like you did during the game.
I have experienced that this is the best way to convince a child, be it an adamant one.
About talking, it’s a good sign. Be happy about it. Learn more about his likes and dislikes, accordingly mold him.