To make sure that this cute, sweet smile never fades, take care. Take care - start early. Quintessence of a smile is health teeth. If ignored leads to serious problems.
Some Facts:
- Parents often don't think about oral hygiene until their baby gets his/her first tooth.
- Dental caries (tooth decay) can attack the teeth at any age.
- If care is not taken, milk tooth caries can reach the roots. This might need root canal treatment. A painful experience for both parents and child.
When to Start
- Before your baby gets his/her first baby tooth, that you should wipe your baby's gums with a soft washcloth or soft infant toothbrush and water each day, best time is during bath.
- Once your baby has several teeth, you might try using a small toothbrush with just two or three rows of very soft bristles.
- Avoid your baby fall asleep with a bottle of milk nursing at night once he/she has teeth.
- Between the age of 1 and 2, clean the teeth of your child with a small toothbrush and soft toothpaste without fluoride. Train your child to spit the toothpaste out of his/her mouth.
- Always help your child to finish brushing his/her teeth. Usually, until the child is about 7-8 years old, he/she is not able to do a good job on his own.
- Do everything possible to make tooth brushing a fun activity!
- Let you child choose his/her toothbrush with his/her favorite cartoon characters.
- Set an example by brushing teeth before your child. Play your child’s favorite music. Laugh and make noises! Make it a game and make it fun!
- Do not forget to replace your child’s toothbrush every 2-3months.
- Brush twice a day: in the morning and before the bedtime.
And don’t forget. Keep Smiling!!!!